February 20, 2010

Too Betty Crocker-ish

I am in the midst of quite a few projects, including: searching for a job in Lincoln, looking for place to live, helping out with a good friend's wedding (including design work); and I have some freelance on the side, as well as a list of projects I want to get started on soon.

My photography and personal projects have kind of gone by the wayside lately, so this is an effort to get back into a more creative groove for my own sake--not just for a portfolio.

I tease that my husband initially did not want to date me because I was "too Betty Crocker-ish." He based this on our first brief meetings, when I was decorating and scrapbooking in my dorm room. Ironically, he really does do most of the cooking in our home, but the phrase has still stuck.

The days available to spreading out my supplies and working for hours at a time on a project are limited anymore, and I realize how much I have missed those days.

I need to get back to my childhood love for paper crafts, cards, design, etc...and get into better practice of also documenting my work that isn't already saved in digital form, as my graphic design work is. Here's to a new start at creativity!

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