April 12, 2010

I'll be expecting my check in the mail

This was not meant to be a blog based on Martha Stewart projects, but I have to say that I have to mention the domestic role model once more. I opened my mailbox this afternoon to find the Martha Stewart Living magazine--titled "Color for Everyone." I can't explain how excited I was to A) get mail and B) have it be something that is useful and entertaining, unlike credit card bills and other junk mail.

I'm still not completely clear why I received it, but I do know it was actually addressed to me and not just "resident." That was thrilling. I'm thinking maybe it was Martha's way of saying "thank you" for utilizing her website.

Regardless, I plan to post more projects or inspiration that are not just "good things" but that stem from other creative centers. I figured out how to "subscribe" to other blogs via RSS, and so my blog list starts to grow from MLC friends' pets/marriage/recipes/daily observations/humorous essays and dooce to include some other blogs for daily inspiration and color.

This means, first of all, that I will spend less time bringing up each blog in separate tabs; secondly, it means that the saved time will instead be spent compulsively clicking "Check Feeds" between Facebook and projects and e-mail.


  1. Haha, welcome to 2008. Are you using google reader? Because you should be. Because it's awesome.

    P.S. I read all of these posts before looking at pictures/comments. J/K, nobody likes a guilt tripper. ;-)

  2. Haha, I love my RSS feed! Ooh, just counted, I have over 50 subscriptions!
