April 21, 2010

Progress Report

It's been two months since my first post, and it's time to take a look at what I have/have not accomplished. Am I fulfilling my goals, or is this blog just a time-waster on the internet?

I have no idea how many people actually view this site. I have a sneaking suspicion I have about an average of 1.5 readers. Regardless, this is supposed to be a blog for my own benefit, so I shouldn't be worried about followers.

In that case, this blog has been rewarding. I am creating archives of my own personal projects and am having fun documenting...just as I am sure Crazy Cat Lady enjoys essentially scrapbooking her baby's day-to-day life. (It's all there: pictures and journaling.)

Since the inception of this site, I have been cooking more. I have to say, I also have been getting inspiration from R, as I realize that when August comes, I will be spending more time in the kitchen. I will miss having a cook. I have a feeling I will be tired and cranky at having to spend more time and energy (and probably money) on food, when I would rather be working on other projects. But I have been enjoying my time lately in the kitchen. Maybe I will even find the joy in it :)

I have been finding encouragement from "fans" and friends on Facebook through my LKP Design page (see side for badge/link). Subsequent to setting up the page and personal website, and posting recent work, I have received quite a few price AND job requests. I am grateful that I can still turn to my MLC advisor for encouragement, as well. This support is comforting as I continue in my job search. Currently, I have three positions I am waiting to hear back about, and they are all different: photography, graphic design and tellering. I have another banking job I am in the midst of applying for. Knowing I have internship and volunteer opportunities available if I need to take a banking position for awhile is exciting, and I am looking forward to the next month as we make more concrete decisions/actions.

What would a self-evaluation be without a self-portait?

Thanks, Andrew, for the inspiration. ;)
I have yet to purchase a diffuser as well, among other desirable camera accessories/necessities!


  1. I almost fell out of my chair when I saw that pic! It's the best self portrait I've ever seen! LOL.

  2. I want a new camera so bad! My new goal is commenting :)
